
Abuse and Misuse

In addition to the bad news covered above, our study also explored malicious activity or encryption circumstances that might engender it. For instance, our research showed how encryption helps threat actors make social engineering schemes more beli evable or harvest credentials from cryptocurrency owners with encryption downgrading attacks. Finally, governments also circumvent encryption for surveillance and espionage.

Threat Hunting with TLS Fingerprinting

Website operators have been using device fingerprinting for many years to help distinguish malicious bots from genuine customers. Since many threat actors intentionally modify their client device’s browser headers and other properties, it can be useful to measure a client’s hidden signals in an attempt to find its true identity. However, fingerprinting servers, specifically Transport Layer Security (TLS) fingerprinting, is rarely performed. By incorporating the Salesforce JARM TLS fingerprinting technique directly into Cryptonice, we were able to capture server TLS fingerprints for the top one million sites.25 The results not only revealed a perhaps unsurprising lack of variance, but they also indicated that malicious command-and-control (C&C) servers may be lurking among the world’s most popular sites. Before we dive into attacker behavior, however, let’s cover what a TLS fingerprint is and what it can tell us.

For each Client Hello message in the TLS handshake, a web server may respond with a unique Server Hello that will differ based on the operating system, TLS library, the preferred order of cipher suites, and other configuration options. The TLS fingerprinting technique sends specially crafted client parameters to a web server and carefully measures its response to create a unique fingerprint. This can then be compared with other web servers to determine if they are configured the same way. This could be useful for auditing purposes, for example, ensuring that all servers for any given organization are configured the same way. Fingerprinting is also a useful way to identify servers that may deliberately hide HTTP response headers. One caveat: despite its potential advantages, fingerprinting is far from foolproof. Recently, we’ve seen examples of attackers selling client fingerprints on dark web markets with the specific intention of avoiding fingerprint-based security controls. So, while fingerprinting is not a perfect method for identifying a server, it does highlight areas worthy of future research.

One in a Million …Or Not, As It Turns Out

Across the one million sites on the Internet, we found only 8,851 different TLS fingerprints, and of those only 4,035 were completely unique. Why so few? Why does every server not have a completely unique fingerprint? One possible explanation is that many servers are configured exactly the same way, that is, using defaults. A standard install of Ubuntu 20.04 with NGINX 1.21.3 using default TLS configurations will, in all likelihood, result in the same fingerprint. However, the real reason for such low variations in fingerprints is the sheer number of content delivery network (CDN), DDoS-mitigation, and cloud proxies being used.

One single TLS fingerprint, belonging to Cloudflare, accounted for almost 20 percent of the top one million sites. In aggregate, Cloudflare is responsible for 262 unique fingerprints, which constitute 25 percent of the fingerprints found.

The second most common fingerprint, at 2.4 percent, is found with NGINX. This is significantly less than Cloudflare in the top spot. However, if we combine all fingerprints associated with NGINX, then it rises to the top, claiming almost 28 percent of all fingerprints in the top one million.

The most common unique Apache fingerprint was just behind NGINX, at 2 percent, and combined Apache fingerprints account for exactly 27 percent of the total, placing it in third place for unique fingerprints and second place for aggregate fingerprints. See Table 5 for a summary of fingerprints by the top three website server platforms.

In all, 80 percent of the top one million sites produced just 203 unique fingerprints, provided by just 17 different web servers.