
The web content-filtering service uses the same database as WatchGuard's Fireboxes and offers 118 URL categories that can be blocked or allowed. The main cloud portal provides a status overview of all licensed products, and selecting the EPDR heading opens a new page with full access to all functions. Agents for Windows, Linux and macOS systems can be pulled down directly from the console's Computers page, or you can email users with a download link. 

A nice touch for LAN deployment is that the first system to receive an agent is automatically nominated for network discovery duties. Using a Windows 10 PC as a discovery client, we left it to scan the network, selected desktops and servers from the list and pushed the agent to them.

You can send a QR code to Android users for the mobile security app, which provides malware protection and a clever anti-theft feature that secretly emails a photo of the user after three failed unlock attempts. 

New to EPDR is iOS support, where it provides a built-in mobile device management (MDM) service for Apple's push notification service and certificate signing requests. The portal dashboard provides an overview of your security posture with charts and graphs for endpoints, trusted apps, malware, exploits, PUPs, apps currently being examined and a rundown of website access. WatchGuard's new "indicators of attack" service maps threats to the Mitre ATT&CK matrix and shows their evolution from reconnaissance and access through to detected lateral movement and data exfiltration attempts.

Policies control all endpoint security services and can be assigned to individual computers and custom groups. Threat responses are quick: when we ran our ransomware simulator on protected Windows clients, warnings were posted in the dashboard in one minute with email alerts flying in 15 minutes later.

WatchGuard's EPDR isn't the cheapest option but it makes up for this with an incredible range of security measures. Smart detection and response services harden threat protection even further and seamless integration with the cloud portal allows all WatchGuard security products to be managed from one place.

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Getting board-level buy-in for security strategy

Why cyber security needs to be a board-level issue

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The web content-filtering service uses the same database as WatchGuard's Fireboxes and offers 118 URL categories that can be blocked or allowed. The main cloud portal provides a status overview of all licensed products, and selecting the EPDR heading opens a new page with full access to all functions. Agents for Windows, Linux and macOS systems can be pulled down directly from the console's Computers page, or you can email users with a download link. 

A nice touch for LAN deployment is that the first system to receive an agent is automatically nominated for network discovery duties. Using a Windows 10 PC as a discovery client, we left it to scan the network, selected desktops and servers from the list and pushed the agent to them.

You can send a QR code to Android users for the mobile security app, which provides malware protection and a clever anti-theft feature that secretly emails a photo of the user after three failed unlock attempts. 

New to EPDR is iOS support, where it provides a built-in mobile device management (MDM) service for Apple's push notification service and certificate signing requests. The portal dashboard provides an overview of your security posture with charts and graphs for endpoints, trusted apps, malware, exploits, PUPs, apps currently being examined and a rundown of website access. WatchGuard's new "indicators of attack" service maps threats to the Mitre ATT&CK matrix and shows their evolution from reconnaissance and access through to detected lateral movement and data exfiltration attempts.

Policies control all endpoint security services and can be assigned to individual computers and custom groups. Threat responses are quick: when we ran our ransomware simulator on protected Windows clients, warnings were posted in the dashboard in one minute with email alerts flying in 15 minutes later.

WatchGuard's EPDR isn't the cheapest option but it makes up for this with an incredible range of security measures. Smart detection and response services harden threat protection even further and seamless integration with the cloud portal allows all WatchGuard security products to be managed from one place.

Featured Resources

Getting board-level buy-in for security strategy

Why cyber security needs to be a board-level issue

itpro_intercity_wp_security_strategy_cover WatchGuard EPDR review: An incredible range of security measures - IT PRO | Computer Repair, Networking, and IT Support in Seattle, WAFree Download

Technology Ecosystem benchmark report

The evolution of the IT industry

Technology_Ecosystem_thumb WatchGuard EPDR review: An incredible range of security measures - IT PRO | Computer Repair, Networking, and IT Support in Seattle, WAFree Download

Can't choose between public and private cloud? You don't have to with IaaS

Enjoy a cloud-like experience with on-premises infrastructure

Can_t_choose_between_public_and_private_cloud_You_don_t_have_to_with_IaaS_thumb WatchGuard EPDR review: An incredible range of security measures - IT PRO | Computer Repair, Networking, and IT Support in Seattle, WAFree Download

How organisations drive employee empowerment and business results with leading digital technology

What you can achieve with a leading approach to digital work

How_organisations_thumb WatchGuard EPDR review: An incredible range of security measures - IT PRO | Computer Repair, Networking, and IT Support in Seattle, WAFree Download